Agricultural Institute of Marin Opposes Sonoma County Measure J

August 7, 2024

The Agricultural Institute of Marin (AIM) OPPOSES Measure J, a proposal that threatens the very backbone of Sonoma County’s agricultural heritage, food security and economic stability. We join in the Sonoma County Family Farms Alliance effort and the “No on Measure J” campaign in urging Sonoma County residents to vote NO on Measure J.

Measure J seeks to eliminate our diverse animal agriculture production, jeopardizing the livelihoods of multi-generational farming families who have nurtured the land and contributed to our community for decades. If Measure J is passed, the consequences will be dire. Not only will it put countless family-owned farms and ranches out of business, but it will also lead to a significant increase in the cost of essential products such as dairy, eggs, and poultry. Measure J would also make it more difficult for people new to farming who want to pursue animal agriculture as a livelihood. Sonoma County residents will find themselves facing higher food prices for well raised animals, as local sources of these vital food items are dismantled.

Moreover, the purported environmental benefits of Measure J are misleading. By shutting down local animal agriculture, we will, ironically, increase our greenhouse gas emissions. The demand for dairy, eggs, and poultry won’t disappear; instead, these products will have to be imported from distant locations—whether from other parts of California, across the country, or even from other nations—resulting in a larger carbon footprint due to transportation. As other places seek to meet consumer demands, Measure J could have the adverse effect of intensifying animal agriculture elsewhere, moving the problem it is purportedly trying to help solve.

It is important to recognize that animal agriculture can be part of the climate solution. Sustainable and organic farming practices, including responsible animal husbandry, can contribute to soil health, carbon sequestration, and biodiversity. Many local farmers are already implementing innovative, climate-smart practices that enhance the resilience of our ecosystems while producing nutritious food. Grazing animals also contribute to a robust fire mitigation plan. By supporting our local agriculture, rather than dismantling it, we can foster a system that prioritizes sustainability and climate-smart, local food production.

Finally, the financial implications of Measure J extend beyond individual consumers. Taxpayers could face a staggering burden since Measure J requires that the County of Sonoma be responsible for retraining any farm employees who are displaced from their farm jobs. The economic loss to the region from the closure of local farms, loss of jobs, and supporting infrastructure and businesses will have lasting negative impacts on our community.

Measure J is not just an attack on our farmers; it is an attack on our local economy, food security, and environmental sustainability. We urge you to vote NO on Measure J; protect the agricultural heritage that defines Sonoma County and the greater North Bay! Let us support our farmers, our families, and our future, while recognizing the role that animal agriculture can play in creating a more sustainable and resilient environment.

Learn more here.


AIM Gather for the Planet KWMR radio interview


Marin Voice: Celebrating National Farmers Market Week