Growing Success
Expanding Career Pathways and Experiential Learning at Farmers Markets
Mentoring & Technical
Assistance Opportunities
One-on-one mentoring and technical assistance services are available at no charge to AIM’s market participants. AIM is partnering with several other organizations to provide training opportunities and assistance free of cost to AIM farmers market participants. Receive support on a variety of topics, including financial advising, small business planning, land management and conservation planning, product diversification, and more.

Best Practices for Hiring and Retaining Ag & Food Employees
Hear from two AIM market participants about their strategies to hire, train, and keep employees happy. They will share their experience filling positions on the farm, in the kitchen, and at the farmers market.

Is Value Added Processing right for me?
Please join us to hear from Sustainable Ag Coordinator & Agricultural Ombudsman, Vince Trotter, UCCE Marin County.
This webinar will cover:
What to consider before deciding to produce jams, sauces or other processed foods with the raw ingredients from your farm
Relevant rules for value-added products
Producer experience from a guest farmer already selling value-added products
Time for your questions
**This webinar will be simultaneously interpreted into Spanish, so please share widely!**
** After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Contact: liana@agriculturalinstitute.org

Agricultural Law Changes For 2021 : Register Now ⬇
April 26, 2021 — 10 AM - 11 AM
Hear from a specialist from the Small Business Development Center about changes to laws that affect agricultural businesses.
Register in advance for this meeting:

Cómo aplicar a los mercados de AIM (How to apply to AIM Markets) : Registrate ⬇
Abril 6, 2021 — 10 AM - 11 AM
Únase al personal de AIM para conocer el proceso de solicitud y hacer preguntas.
(Join AIM staff to learn about the application process and ask questions).
REGISTRATE EN LÍNEA: (Register in advance for this meeting)
Sell Smarter, Not Harder: Improving Your Wholesale Strategy: Part II
Sell Smarter, Not Harder: Improving Your Wholesale Strategy: Part I
Facebook: Tips & Strategies to Adapt and Connect Now
August 31, 2020
Presenter: Stephanie Koehler
Contact: Stephanie@SAKinterMedia.com
Resources: Marin Small Business Development Center
Instagram: Tips & Strategies to Adapt and Connect Now
August 10, 2020
Presenter: Stephanie Koehler
Contact: Stephanie@SAKinterMedia.com
Resources: Marin Small Business Development Center
Resources for Farms & Small Businesses During Covid-19
March 30, 2020
Presenter: Evan Wiig, Director of Membership & Communications, CAFF
Contact: evan@caff.org
Resources: caff.org/covid19
Visit CAFF website for changing resources
Reach out to CAFF with questions
Presenter: Miriam Hope Karell, Marin Small Business Development Center
Contact: miriam@marinsbdc.org
Resources: www.marinsbdc.org/covid-19
There are 17 SBDC offices in Northern California
BDC provides free one-on-one business advising
Experts in many fields are available to meet with you based on your questions
Apply for services online: nc.ecenterdirect.com/signup
Funding for Growing Success: Expanding Career Pathways and Experiential Learning at Farmers Markets was made possible by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service through grant No. AM190100XXXXG129. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the USDA.