The Rollin’ Root

The Rollin’ Root is a farmers market on wheels that brings locally grown, seasonal produce to neighborhoods in San Francisco and Marin where access to fresh, healthful foods is limited.

The Rollin’ Root’s mission is to increase equitable access to fresh, healthful food grown on local farms and to provide nutrition education in underserved communities.

As a mobile farmers market, the Rollin’ Root is uniquely able to serve areas that have been historically excluded. The stops along the route are thoughtfully chosen and updated to best serve our customers.

AIM sources 100% of the Rollin’ Root’s products directly from local farmers that participate at AIM’s farmers markets. The locality and short supply chain mean providing customers with the freshest, most nutritious produce.

AIM believes everyone has the right to experience the joy of delicious, local foods.

The Root’s Weekly Route

CalFresh is California’s name for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as the Food Stamps Program. 

  • SNAP recipients can use their EBT card and receive 50% off fruit and vegetable purchases.

  • Qualifying adults ages 60+ can use their Senior Bonus Bucks to receive $10 off fruit and vegetable purchases.

CalFresh at the Rollin’ Root


AIM’s goal is to connect farmers to communities to ensure access to fresh fruits and vegetables, regardless of transportation or economic barriers.

We are committed to creating food access while also ​​addressing food-related racial and economic inequalities through our policy and advocacy work.

The power of community-driven, equitable food access that lifts up organic farming practices.

“Our community really likes the Rollin’ Root. It is easier for us to get fresh, organic, local veggies and fruits. It’s hard for many people in our community to go to the farmers market, so this is the perfect solution.”

— Tara

Our Partners

The Rollin’ Root is in collaboration with a wider county-wide Healthy Eating Active Living (HEAL) strategy. We partner with Marin County Health and Human Services, the Marin Food Policy Council, the SF-Marin Food Bank, the Interfaith Sustainable Food Collaborative,, and others to increase access to fresh, healthful food for all residents, regardless of economic status.



Nutrition Educators

Nutrition educators help build a culture around mindful eating. They visit each stop monthly for conversation and to answer questions about incorporating fresh produce into a healthful diet. They also share easy-to-prepare and nutritious seasonal recipes and tips that feature Rollin’ Root products.

Arianna (Marin)

Arianna was born and raised in San Francisco and the East Bay. She attended SF State, where she earned a bachelor’s degree in Nutrition and Dietetics. She is excited to share seasonal recipes and showcase proper fruit and vegetable serving sizes with the community.

Rollin’ Root Ambassadors

Rollin’ Root Ambassadors are enthusiastic supporters of the program and members of each community served. They share information with their neighbors about what’s available each week, tips for using new items, and reminders to shop at the Rollin’ Root. Ambassadors also teach AIM about the unique needs of each community, giving us invaluable insight into how best to serve each of the Rollin’ Root’s customers.

  • Barbara

    Mackey Terrace Ambassador

  • Clara

    Visitacion Valley Ambassador

  • Tara

    Marin Valley Mobile Country Club Ambassador

  • Anita

    Marin City Ambassador

  • John

    Marin Valley Mobile Country Club Ambassador

  • Elizabeth

    Marshall Store Ambassador

  • Miss Phyllis

    New Liberation Community Church

  • Mary

    Marin Valley Mobile Country Club