Join Our Markets
Our goal is to create a diverse marketplace with the highest
quality locally produced products available
Thank you for your interest in applying to AIM’s Farmers Markets.
We are excited to announce that our application process is now hosted on Manage My Market.
To apply, simply follow the steps below:
If you already have a Manage My Market profile, log in here to apply
If you do not have a Manage My Market profile, you will be prompted to create one and then able to apply to any of AIM’s Farmers Markets and all other markets through the Manage My Market portal.
For detailed instructions on how to apply, please refer to our How to Apply to AIM Markets guide.
How to Join our Markets
Before beginning your application, be sure to review our Rules and Regulations to confirm that your business meets our criteria. Please note that, due to high demand, application reviews may take up to 45 days, but we will respond as promptly as possible. We understand your time is valuable and will get back to you as quickly as possible.
Every prospective participant is taken into consideration in admitting applications including:
1. Unique or unusual products that enhance the overall diversity of products available at AIM Markets, without creating excessive supply as assessed by the Market Manager Quality of products Origin of products
2. Preference will be given to locally grown products relative to the Market(s) in which the Applicant would like to participate
3. Space availability at AIM Markets Balance between Certified Farmers and other categories
4. Preference given to Certified Farmers who sell value-added products over Food Purveyors offering similar products
5. Preference given to small-to-moderate family businesses over large enterprises or partnerships
We DO NOT accept the following items at our Markets:
1. Reselling of any products that have been purchased from a distributor, third-party, or importer
2. Personal care services and/or products such as chiropractic and massage services
3. Overly processed and/or fried foods
4. Nationally distributed packaged foods
5. Energy drinks
6. Businesses that operate under a franchise agreement Food items not grown and/or processed by the vendor
7. Agricultural Products not grown by the producer (honey, florists, succulents, etc)
We encourage you to thoroughly review the detailed application information that best applies to you.
Potential fees for starting your farmers market business (these are some examples of fees that you can expect to encounter if you are accepted at one of AIM’s farmers markets).
AIM Annual Registration Fee: $150 once approved
AIM Annual Renewal Fee: $100
Stall fee schedule: All Fees are for a 10’ x 10’ space per day
Farmer $60
Fisher $60
Rancher $60
Food Prepared off-site (prepackaged) $65
Food Prepared on-site (temporary food facility) $75
Food Prepared on-site $90 - Grand Lake and Sunday Marin
Artisan $65 - Grand Lake and Sunday Marin
Artisan $55 - Thursday Marin, Hayward, Newark, Stonestown SF
Food Truck $125
Agricultural Nonprofit/Sponsor $60
Commercial $75
*Winter rates (December – March) $5 per 10′ stall discount
The health permit and business liability insurance fees are estimates and can change at any time. Additional fees and/or permits may be required.
Health Permit (for prepackaged and on-site food booths) fees vary: $375-$1100 per year
Business Liability insurance (prices vary): $500-$1000 (or more) per year
AIM does not recommend any particular insurance agency. Some following leads are: North Bay Insurance Brokers, Inc., Hartford Insurance Company, Campbell Risk Management, Farmers Market Coalition Insurance Tip Sheet, George Peterson Insurance Agency, Shahinian Insurance Services, Inc.
You are responsible for bringing your own equipment such as tents, tables, chairs, etc.
Please review our Handbook for information about the requirements and expectations of participating in one of our markets.
Review each category below to determine which type of application to complete.
Participant Categories
Participant Categories *
AIM welcomes applications from California Certified Producers. All products must be grown in California and be listed on the farmer's Certified Producer Certificate. Only the farmer, a designated family member, or an employee is permitted to sell at an AIM Farmers Market. Certified Farmers must grow all products offered for sale on land controlled (owned, rented, leased, or sharecropped) by the certified farmer. AIM gives preference to those applicants who farm organically. Please see AIM's Rules and Regulations (page 8) for additional requirements regarding value-added products, nursery vendors, egg vendors, etc.
All meat and poultry products must come from animals raised by the Market Participant (Primary Produced) with the exemption that participants may be allowed to sell products from animals raised in partnership (Partner Produced) or sourced from other California ranches and farms (Resold) with AIM's prior written approval. All Livestock Products must be raised, slaughtered, processed, and packaged within California. Please review to AIM's Livestock Integrity Policy for more information. Click here to view the Livestock Rules and Regulations
AIM welcomes applications from California Certified Producers. All products must be grown in California and be listed on the farmer's Certified Producer Certificate. Only the farmer, a designated family member, or an employee is permitted to sell at an AIM Farmers Market. Certified Farmers must grow all products offered for sale on land controlled (owned, rented, leased, or sharecropped) by the certified farmer. AIM gives preference to those applicants who farm organically. Please see AIM's Rules and Regulations (page 8) for additional requirements regarding value-added products, nursery vendors, egg vendors, etc.
All fish sold at AIM markets must be sustainable seafood. Sustainable seafood is defined as seafood from sources, either fished or farmed, that can maintain or increase production without jeopardizing the long-term structure and function of ecosystems impacted by industry practices. A fish seller may sell only fish caught in United States waters from the California/Mexico Border to the northern-most tip of Alaska within a 200-mile range of the U.S. coastline within the US Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). Seafood harvested in Canadian waters is prohibited. Fish sellers may only sell fish caught by sustainable gear that does not damage habitat and take unwanted bycatch. AIM requires at least 51% of seafood sold at AIM markets to be fisher direct. Please read AIM’s Seafood Integrity Policy for all the requirements for participating fishers.
All prepared food, both prepackaged and food for on site consumption, must be produced by the purveyor. We prefer those who use local, organic produce, ideally from the farmers at the farmers market. All prepared food is subject to a tasting to assure product quality and appeal. WE DO NOT ACCEPT UNSOLICITED SAMPLES.
The commercial vendors we currently have at our markets are an enhancement to the atmosphere and overall market experience. All products that fall in the commercial category will be accepted only by approval of the market manager and our Board of Directors and are strictly limited. Due to limited market space and AIM’s commitment to maintaining focus on its mission, there are a number of businesses whose services we cannot accommodate. AIM will evaluate and select commercial vendors based on their ability to provide food or entertainment-related products or services that enhance the ambiance of AIM Markets.
We offer space (when available) to Non-Profit organizations for educational and outreach purposes only. All non-profit organizations must be Farm, Farmer, or Agriculturally related to be considered for spaces available. Others may be considered on a case-by-case basis. Any and all items offered for sale will be by approval only.
We provide a free speech zone at our markets. We have a limited area for this purpose. You may set up a small card table and only in place assigned by the Market Manager on site. Nothing may be sold in this area. This is a great place to get signatures for political purposes.
We give priority to local musicians that complement the ambiance of our farmers markets. We are also booking entertainers who offer kids activities, like face painting and puppet shows. Balloon artists are not currently allowed as balloons do not meet AIM’s environmental mission. Please do not contact individual market managers for dates.
Artisans must either self-produce their products, or, if the Artisan has employees, the Artisan must be in complete control of all aspects of production. Artisans may not sell work produced with commercial kits, models, patterns, plans, prefabricated forms, or other commercial methods.
All applications are reviewed and taken into consideration within 45 days of receiving a completed application. All producers must complete an application process. If approved, producers must follow AIM’s Market Rules, must have liability insurance coverage, and must comply with the county health code regulations.