AIM Supports the Black Lives Matter Movement
A Message from our CEO, Andy Naja-Riese
The Agricultural Institute of Marin (AIM) denounces police brutality and recognizes that violence against Black people is a continuous injustice in America. We clearly hear the collective pain and anguish among Black Americans, including our co-workers, producers, and members of the communities we serve. We grieve for the family of George Floyd and with all Black Americans at this time.
Given our location in Marin County, a predominantly white and affluent community, we understand that we are part of a system that gives us unearned status and privilege. As an organization, we have a responsibility to use that privilege to connect with and support local efforts led by people of color here in the Bay Area. At AIM, we know that we must continue to demonstrate not just sympathy, but solidarity with Black Americans by ensuring that we are anti-racist in our policies and programs. This year, we began discussing and acting on issues of diversity, equity and inclusion among our Board of Directors and staff and must continue to move the discussion into action through real and meaningful policy change in our organization and California.
We are firmly committed to supporting Black farmers, food makers, and artisans at our farmers markets in the Cities of Hayward, Newark, Oakland, San Francisco, and San Rafael. Black farmers and food makers have limited access to capital and farmland in America due to hundreds of years of structural inequalities. We must ensure farmers markets and food programs provide a culturally relevant platform for Black farmers, food makers, and artisans, and we must work to develop and open new opportunities whenever possible so Black business owners can continue to build wealth and capital.
AIM will be learning and acknowledging how racism impacts our work and sharing how we can advance racial equity in our food and farming system.