Senior Bonus Bucks
How it Works
Provides low-income seniors with $25 booklet containing 5 checks that can be used to purchase fresh fruit and veggies. Must use whole voucher with one vendor. Farmers redeem the Bonus Bucks at the information booth. NO Change given. Expires February 15, 2023.
Sunday Marin and Thursday Marin
Qualifying seniors
Frequently Asked Questions
The SFMNP awards grants to States, U.S. Territories and Federally recognized Indian Tribal Organizations (ITOs) to provide lowincome seniors with coupons that can be exchanged for eligible foods at farmers’ markets, roadside stands, and community-supported agriculture (CSA) programs. The majority of grant funds must be used for benefits. State agencies may use up to 10 percent of their grants for program administrative costs.
Questions? We are here to help!
Visit the AIM Info Booth at the market, or send us a message here.